A FREE 15 minute no obligation telephone call is provided before any involvement, to establish your concerns and best hopes from working with an educational psychologist. This is also an opportunity for me to answer any initial questions you may have and for us to consider how best I can meet the needs of your family.
Bespoke Packages
You may wish to build your own bespoke package of support, based on the services offered. If this is the case, please discuss with the educational psychologist who will provide you with a quote based on an hourly rate of £90 for consultation/direct work; and £45 for report writing, preparation and analysis. Fees are calculated in 30 minute blocks.
Solution Focused Consultation
A structured, problem-solving discussion between the parent/carer(s), educational psychologist, and sometimes the young person (if desired and appropriate). Solution focused consultation involves exploring your child/young person’s strengths and difficulties; ‘unpicking’ and developing a joint understanding of their needs; forming hypotheses (evidence-based suggestions of what is happening for your child/young person); and generating recommendations, strategies or next steps for home and the educational setting.
You may choose consultation to support with any aspect of your child/young person’s learning and development. This could include (but is not exclusive to):
Learning difficulties (e.g. dyslexia; dyscalculia; global developmental delay; MLD; SLD)
Neurodevelopmental conditions (such as autism spectrum disorder) and Chromosome disorders
Down’s Syndrome
Challenging behaviour
Attachment difficulties
Emotional wellbeing and mental health (e.g. anxiety; depression; self-harm; self-esteem; confidence)
Loss and bereavement
Parental separation/divorce; absent parents
A review meeting is offered within three months of the initial consultation. This meeting will review the situation and any actions agreed and generate suggestions for next steps.
Initial consultations are offered face-to-face at my therapy room in Christchurch, Dorset or at your child's educational setting, if appropriate; via telephone or Zoom video call. Review meetings are offered via telephone or Zoom video call.
45 minutes Solution Focused Consultation with brief handwritten notes and action plan (completed during the meeting)
15 minutes review meeting (within 3 months of initial consultation) with brief handwritten notes and review plan (completed during the meeting)
45 minutes Solution Focused Consultation, as above, plus a short report (typically 1-2 pages) typed up following the meeting
30 minute review with brief handwritten notes and review plan (completed during the meeting)
Direct work with the Child/Young person
You may wish for the educational psychologist to meet and work individually with your child/young person. This could be to gather their views/perspectives on a situation; to gather further information regarding their strengths and difficulties; or to help them to problem solve and develop their own coping strategies.
Direct work may involve:
Talking; drawing; games; puppets; toys; questionnaires
Solution focused tools and activities (aimed at moving the child/young person towards their desired outcomes)
This package includes:
20 minute telephone consultation with parent/carer(s)
40 minutes face-to-face assessment with the child/young person
A detailed, child-centred report
A covering letter for the adults supporting the child/young person, detailing the educational psychologist’s hypotheses and recommendations
Fee £270
Up to three additional sessions with the child/young person can be purchased at a 10% discount of £54 per 40 minute session.​
Assessment of leaning needs (cognitive ability)
If you have concerns or questions regarding your child/young person’s underlying ability; play or thinking skills; or the best way to support them academically, then you may choose to have a full assessment of their needs. I offer three types of learning assessment:
Cognitive assessment (Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children [WISC-V]) to provide a thorough understanding of your child/young person’s underlying abilities; identify strengths and difficulties and how this may impact on acquiring skills in the classroom
Fee £600
Dynamic assessment (Complex Figure Drawing) to provide information on how your child/young person approaches tasks; processes and retains information; and responds to meditation
Fee £380
Play assessment (using toys and games) to identify strengths and difficulties in early play and learning skills
Fee £380
All assessment packages include direct work with the child/young person (spread over one or two sessions depending on age and ability); analysis and full report with recommendations.
Information gathering telephone calls
As part of any agreed work, you may wish the educational psychologist to gather information from other professionals supporting your child/young person. This could include: school or preschool staff; Portage or Outreach teachers; other therapists (e.g. speech and language therapist); social worker. Information gathered will be incorporated into any written report.
Fee £30 for a telephone call up to 30 minutes in duration.
Parent Helpline
You may just have some questions or general worries you would like to run past an educational psychologist, or you may be seeking guidance or signposting. This could include (but is not exclusive to):
Does my child have special educational needs?
What support should I expect from school, and how do I request it?
Should I apply for an education, health and care needs assessment?
Support and coaching through the education, health and care needs process
Where can I find help/resources to support my child or young person through loss? (e.g. bereavement; divorce; absent parents)
Managing and supporting your child/young person during (and following) the COVID pandemic
Making decisions in choosing a school for your child / young person
I offer bookable, 30 minute telephone advice sessions
Fee £40 payable at the time of booking
Education Health and Care Needs Assessments
Assessment (or re-assessment) for Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP)
I am increasingly asked to provide reports for children and young people in support of their EHCPs.
Whilst I am very happy to provide this service and support families in this way, you are advised to confirm with your local authority whether a private educational psychologist report is accepted in this process, and whether they have any specific requirements for its content.
I offer two levels of assessment packages, with fixed prices. If you would you like something different, additional, or more bespoke please let me know.
Level 1 - £400*
Suitable for providing guidance and recommendations whilst you await your EHCP
1 hour visit to early years setting observe your child, and engage with them (assess) through play
Discussion with setting staff (either face to face during visit, or via telephone following visit)
45 minute consultation (via telephone or Zoom video call) with parent including the completion of development scales
Typed report with summary of strengths, difficulties and needs; hypotheses and recommendations for provision
School age children/young people
30 - 45 minute observation in school/educational setting your child
30 - 45 minute direct work and discussion with your child/young person, to include gathering their views, to take place in my therapy room in Christchurch or via Zoom video call
Discussion with school staff (either face to face during visit, or via telephone following visit)
30 minute consultation with parent (via telephone)
Typed report with summary of strengths, difficulties and needs; hypotheses and recommendations for provision
Post 16 young people
45 minute direct work and discussion with your young person, to include gathering their views, to take place in my therapy room in Christchurch or via Zoom video call
Discussion with staff at educational setting, if appropriate (via telephone)
30 minute consultation with parent (via telephone)
Typed report with summary of strengths, difficulties and needs; hypotheses and recommendations for provision
Level 2 - £600*
A thorough assessment and report, equivalent to that produced by a local authority educational psychologist for an EHCP.
1 hour visit to child’s educational setting to observe play, learning and social interaction, and engage with them (assess) through play – this will also include ascertaining your child’s ‘views’ through observing their play preferences; speaking to the adults who know them well; and simple questioning (ie. offering visual choices) where appropriate
30 minute telephone or Zoom video call consultation with parent to complete development scales
1 hour video consultation with parent and setting staff together (if possible) or 2x 30minute video consultations separately, to gather information and generate SMART targets
Typed report in the format of an EHCP report. This covers information and assessment on all areas of development; formulation and hypotheses; SMART targets and recommendations for provision linked to these; following local authority guidelines
School age children/young people
45 minute - 1 hour observation in school, to observe learning and social interaction
30 - 45 minute direct work and discussion with your child/young person, to include gathering their views, to take place in my therapy room in Christchurch or via Zoom video call
1 hour video consultation with parent and setting staff together (if possible) or 2x 30minute video consultations separately, to gather information and generate SMART targets
Typed report in the format of an EHCP report. This covers information and assessment on all areas of development; formulation and hypotheses; SMART targets and recommendations for provision linked to these; following local authority guidelines
Post 16 young people
45 minute direct work and discussion with your young person, to include gathering their views, to take place in my therapy room in Christchurch, or via Zoom video call
Discussion with staff at educational setting, if appropriate (via telephone)
45 minute – 1 hour telephone or Zoom video call consultation with parent (and young person, if desired and appropriate) to gather information and generate SMART targets
Typed report in the format of an EHCP report. This covers information and assessment on all areas of development; formulation and hypotheses; SMART targets and recommendations for provision linked to these; following local authority guidelines
*If a cognitive assessment is required, this may be added to any of the packages above for school age children/young people at an additional cost of £180